This policy aims to inform individuals whose personal data is processed by Rainpark Technologies LLC, Techpro Education in accordance with the Law, Regulation, Decree, and ISO 27701 Personal Data Management System standard on the Privacy of Personal Data. For detailed information, you can review our Personal Data Management System Policy at

Who are we?

Rainpark Technologies LLC / Techpro Education is an online company based in the USA that provides IT education through bootcamps and various IT course organizations in the field of Information Technology. We were established in 2019 at 9 E Loockerman St Suite 311, Dover, DE 19901, USA.

Our Responsibilities?

While all company employees are responsible for implementing this policy, the company’s Senior  Management and Information Technology Team have special roles and responsibilities in protecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII): Senior Management is responsible for overseeing and continuously improving the privacy of PII within the company and leading the design, implementation, operation, and maintenance of the Personal Information Management System (PIMS) based on ISO/IEC 27701. The Information Technology Team is responsible for complying with company policies regarding privacy and confidentiality agreements, monitoring and tracking the overall status of networks and network devices, and performing the application, configuration, and maintenance of computer networks and software, ensuring that access to personal data is limited to authorized personnel and not shared with or provided to unauthorized individuals.

Personal data processing principles?

The Company collects, stores and processes information that reveals the identity of natural persons, including names, addresses, usernames and passwords, and photographs. Such Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is collected only after disclosure to those responsible for the PII and, where necessary, after obtaining consent. Once collected, the following rules apply without exception and in all circumstances.

Personal data is processed and stored in accordance with the following principles;

a) Compliance with the law and good faith.

b) Being accurate and, where necessary, up-to-date.

c) Being processed for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes.

d) Being relevant, limited and proportionate to the purpose for which they are processed.

e) Protection against any unauthorized or illegal access.

Personal Data:

a. It may not be transmitted informally.

b. It may not be retained for longer than the designated retention period.

c. It may not be transferred to organizations, states or countries that do not ensure proper protection of PII.

d. May not be shared with other parties unless authorized by the individual concerned.

– All company employees and related parties share responsibility for ensuring that PII is appropriately collected, processed, stored and handled.

– The company guarantees that it respects the integrity, confidentiality and availability of information created during the processing of personal data. The firm also ensures that information assets are protected against internal or external and accidental or intentional threats.

– Access to personal data should be limited only to those who need it for the purpose of their work.

– Personal data should not be shared informally. When access to PII is required, employees must request it formally and in writing.

– The firm will provide comprehensive training to all employees to help them understand their responsibilities when handling PII.

– PII must not be disclosed internally or externally without prior written request and approval.

– Employees should ask their managers, unit coordinators or information security managers when in doubt about the proper handling of PII.

– Under certain circumstances and when necessary, the firm may disclose PII to law enforcement authorities without obtaining the consent of the PII custodian. However, the firm will ensure that the request is legitimate, with assistance from legal counsel when necessary.

For what purpose do we process your personal data?

We process your personal data in order to continue our commercial activities and fulfill our legal obligations. You can see the purposes of processing your personal data depending on legal reasons in a table at the end of this policy.

To whom and for what purpose are your personal data transferred?

Your personal data:

In order to carry out our commercial activities:

· To our service providers (instructors, contracted personnel, technology service, etc.),

· To the official institutions of the country you came from, if necessary.

If you have given permission on the Customer Information form:

· To the digital marketing company we work with, in order to send information and notify old customers about special discounts.

In order to fulfill our legal obligations:

· May be transferred to judicial authorities and security units, if necessary.

What are our Personal Data Collection Methods?

Your personal data are processed by requesting from you personally when you apply to our company or our website. In addition, your personal data is also collected and processed in online applications you make through the communication tools and other websites used by our company within the scope of its commercial activities.

What are your legal rights?

You may exercise the following rights at any time by applying to us in person or in writing, provided that your identity is verified. Our company will review your application and respond to you as soon as possible, but not later than 30 days. You have the following rights about yourself:

– to learn whether your personal data has been processed or not, to request information if your personal data has been processed,

– to learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,

– to know the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred domestically or abroad,

– to request correction of your personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing, to request their deletion or destruction within the framework of the conditions stipulated in the law, and to request notification of these transactions to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,

– object to the occurrence of a result to your detriment, in particular by analyzing your processed data through automated systems,

– to demand compensation for damages in case you suffer damage due to unlawful processing of your personal data.

Purposes of Processing Personal Data Based on Legal Grounds

Legal Basis


With your express consent

       We send emails, brochures, etc. about our products and services. When you use our website and other applications, we place cookies and similar technologies on your computer or other devices (you can review our cookie policy) to use them for marketing and similar purposes. When we need your personal information for any other purpose besides the ones mentioned above, we explain it and obtain your explicit consent.

Being explicitly stated in the laws

The necessity to comply with the articles on the privacy of personal data in the Laws, Regulations, Statutes in the countries where the service is provided, for example; Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties, U.S. Department of Justice, Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation)

– Requested by security forces or judicial authorities,

Your information is processed in order to respond to your rights under the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.

In order to fulfill the requirements of a contract

– To be able to make your education or program registrations,
– to be able to provide the products and services you requested,
– to verify your identity,
– to process your payments,
– to be able to communicate with you,
– to enable customer service to function;
– your personal data is processed in order to notify you of mail, phone, or unplanned situations or to inform you.

Protection of the life or physical integrity of oneself or of another person

To be able to share your personal data with emergency services when your life or someone else’s life is in danger,

The mandatory processing of data for the legitimate interests of Techpro Education

Your personal data is processed for the following purposes:

– Ensuring customer satisfaction,
– Maintaining our commercial reputation,
– Resolving disputes,
– Protecting against fraud,
– Monitoring and controlling our systems,
– Verifying the validity of your credit card and preventing fraud in credit card payments,
– Improving business performance,
– Using security cameras and call recording systems,
– Preventing and detecting crime,
– Marketing our products and services,
– Conducting our business in compliance with legal regulations.

The website and communication channels are used for applications.